Some theoretical works on gamma-ray pulsar binaries and double pulsars
Presented in Institute of High energy physics, Chinese academy of Scienses and Peiking University in Dec. 2017.
A new approach to the GeV flare of PSR B1259-63/LS2883
Presented in FAST/Future Pulsar Symposium 6 on June 29th, 2017 in Wuhan. It is a Crab prize winning presentation.
Detecting super-Nyquist-frequency gravitational waves using a pulsar timing array
Presented in the Chinese Astronomical Society annaul meeting Noveber, 2016.
An brief introduction to fast radio burst (download powerpoint slides)
Presented in the journal clube of physics deparment, the Univeristy of HK, 2017.
An introduction to Gamma-ray bianries
Presented in the journal club of physics deparment, the Univeristy of HK, 2016.